By surveying the pseudo archeology of screens, We have explored flat environments of screen surfaces and their spatial potential. These surfaces could act as mediating spaces that connect (and augment) our physical reality to the image-based universes each of us holds in our multiple digital devices. We have investigated the generative potential of representation to conceptualize, construct, and critically evaluate our version of screen environments, transformed fully from their innate flatness. Together, we articulated ways of manifesting them and eventually produce proposals that are progressive yet methodical. By creating proto-architectural objects which reflect our initial scheme, we have the opportunity to engage with issues of in-formation materiality, surface tension in media, and their current cultural and aesthetic dimensions.
Curated by: Zahra Safaverdi / Schidlowski Fellow
Participants in Order of Appearance: Jennifer Roebuck, Andrew Pearson, Alix Wilson, Chloe Froning, Lucas Denmeade, Maura Flaherty, Caitlyn Wolford, Dylan Herrmann-Holt, Ryan Carlton, Macy Fellers, Mark Friess, Mathew Sherman, Tyler Turskey, James Nolan