Proposing a Third Voyeurism, Tairan An snoops around the internet-culture’s 24/7 live life mentality of constant surveillance.
One measure after another, Christianna Bennett generates intricate palimpsests of notation, drawing, and landscapes collapsing time in her Filetypes.
Reflecting on her journey to Mongolia as Pacific Gyre, Kate Cahill gives a personal account and fascinating insight into The Ex-Urban in Transition.
Konstaninos Chatzaras takes a closer look at the shift from the architect-as-archeologist to the architect-as-journalist trapped in Junk-Spaces.
Neither ornament nor crime, Clemens Finkelstein takes a bite into the architectural substance of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Seagram Building in A Necklace of Bites.
Letizia Garzoli and Andrea Dutto take a fresh look at paradoxes, masks, and sacrifices in Notes on the Paradox of the Actor.
Adam Himes delves into concerted conservation efforts in Qatar in Veiled Modernism.
Eliyahu Keller and Namik Mackic bring David Bowie back to life in Walking the Dead.
"How does the role of genius loci claim at a second look at the fundamentals of a site?” asks Yoonjee Koh in Living Heritage: Streams of Consciousness in Buk-Chon.
Xuan Luo on faces, crabs, and Deleuze in Heike ruled Japan 1185 in When Face Walks.
In his thought experiment, Anthony Morey exclaims Neither Here nor There and that History and Events are either there, or not there, or both simultaneously—throwing cats, making ripples in streams.
Showing his frustration about the future for designers, Chris Norton Riley talks Real Fictions In The Present Future.
In their feature-musing on dissimulation, both in image and text, Zahra Savaferdi and Zack Matthews try to channel healing through The Chair got a BooBoo and the “thing” revealed itself.
Razan Tariq Sijeeni stages Orientalism Today in her photographic series dealing with locality, identity and morphed perceptions.
Alex Timmer takes atmospheres to glowing heights in his Thermal Stories.